2024- Are Burglary Claims Still a High Risk?

Updated September 10, 2024
2024- Are Burglary Claims Still a High Risk? image

Burglaries are a persistent threat to homeowners across the U.S., with over one million break-ins occurring annually. Even though burglary rates have decreased in recent years, the risk of property theft and home invasion remains high. If you’re concerned about protecting your home and loved ones, understanding burglary trends and implementing security measures is crucial. In this post, we’ll delve into the latest burglary statistics and offer actionable prevention tips to help safeguard your home.

Burglary Trends in 2024

Much to the surprise of most, recent data shows that burglary rates continue to decline, with a 17.8% reduction reported in early 2024 compared to previous years. Whether or not this reflects the reality depends on many factors like under-reporting, an increase in cameras, there is no way to know but if these numbers are correct, its a good sign for consumers and the high risk homeowners insurance market.. However, a break-in still occurs every 26 seconds in the U.S., costing homeowners an average of $2,800 per incident. While urban areas see more frequent burglaries, the rise in affordable security systems has helped deter crime in residential neighborhoods.

Key Statistics:

  • Over one million burglaries annually, half of which are home invasions.
  • 46.9% of U.S. homes do not have a security system.
  • Homes without a security system are 300% more likely to be targeted.

Burglary by State: Which Areas Are Most at Risk?

Certain states consistently report higher burglary rates. New Mexico leads the nation, with 604 burglaries per 100,000 residents, followed by Washington at 563 per 100,000. On the other end, New Hampshire and Massachusetts have some of the lowest burglary rates, offering relative peace of mind to their residents.

Top 5 States with Highest Burglary Rates:

  1. New Mexico: 604 per 100,000
  2. Washington: 563 per 100,000
  3. Arkansas: 466 per 100,000
  4. Oklahoma: 482 per 100,000
  5. Louisiana: 497 per 100,000

When Do Most Burglaries Happen?

Most burglaries occur during daylight hours, with peak times between 10 AM and 3 PM, when homeowners are typically away. Additionally, summer months see a spike in break-ins, with criminals taking advantage of vacationing families and longer daylight hours.

Common Entry Points and How to Secure Them

Understanding how burglars gain access to homes can help homeowners reinforce weak spots. Here are the most common Dwelling Coverage entry points for burglars:

  • Front Door (34%): Ensure you have deadbolts and consider smart locks.
  • Back Door (22%): Install heavy-duty locks and motion-detecting lights.
  • Windows (23%): Use window sensors and security glass.

Tips for Preventing Home Burglaries

  1. Install a Home Security System: Homes with security systems are significantly less likely to be targeted.
  2. Secure Doors and Windows: Reinforce entry points with locks, cameras, and sensors.
  3. Use Smart Technology: Video doorbells, smart lights, and automated locks add layers of protection.
  4. Keep Your Home Well-Lit: Burglars are less likely to approach a well-lit home, so ensure outdoor lighting is sufficient.
  5. Be Cautious with Social Media: Avoid posting your location or travel plans online, as this can attract burglars.

While burglary rates are declining, the threat remains, and homeowners must stay vigilant. By understanding the latest trends, securing vulnerable entry points, and installing modern security systems, you can significantly reduce the risk of a break-in. Take proactive steps to protect your home and enjoy greater peace of mind.


1. How often do burglaries occur in the U.S.? A burglary occurs every 26 seconds in the U.S., amounting to more than one million incidents annually.

2. What is the average cost of a burglary? The average cost of a burglary is approximately $2,800 in lost property and damages.

3. Which state has the highest burglary rate? New Mexico has the highest burglary rate, with 604 incidents per 100,000 residents.

4. How can I prevent a burglary? Installing a security system, securing doors and windows, and using smart technology are key ways to prevent burglaries.

5. Do most burglaries happen at night? Contrary to popular belief, most burglaries occur during daylight hours, particularly between 10 AM and 3 PM.


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